Our AI transforms hundreds of complex signals and millions of data points to make predictive forecasts that are easy-to-understand. These forecasts utilize either a 30 day or a 1 day investment horizon and various other prediction horizons are coming soon, including single day.
These forecasted returns are derived from probabilistic models which are trained to recognize patterns across a vast amount of historical data and events including market, financial, macro, technical, patent, news, social, and other data points. The models learn how different data patterns and combinations contribute to a security’s return and match patterns in the historical trained data with current real-time signal data. Unlike other AI-powered equity research platforms, each iFi AI forecasted return is associated with a forecasted high and low based on our confidence scores. A higher confidence score results in a smaller spread between the low and high forecasts. A low confidence score will result in a wider spread.
The higher the confidence score the higher the degree of pattern recognition our AI is finding across those millions of signals, allowing you to place more trust in the return forecast.
Investors can observe all of the signals that contributed to a forecasted return and confidence scores, including the most positive and negative signals. These signals span across sentiment, technicals, fundamentals, and macro data points, and AI generative summaries are available to help investors better understand the signals and news that drove the forecasted returns and confidence scores. Forecasts are continually analyzed by our deep learning models so that the models can continuously learn and improve from each and every forecast. The strongest AI continues to learn and the strongest users of AI do as well, that is why iFi AI is committed to complete transparency and ongoing education around our platform and AI-powered approaches in general.
Our Artificial Intelligence calculates probabilities, not certainties. The forecasts, the signals and our best ideas should be used as useful but not infallible information to complement your own investment decision process.
1-Day Forecast: Forecasts are updated once prior to market open and are forecasting the current day’s closing price. 1-Day Forecasts use the prior day’s closing price which does not consider price moves that may have occurred after hours or pre market open.
30-Day Forecast: Forecasts are updated once prior to market open and are forecasting the closing price 22 business days in the future. 30-Day Forecasts use the prior day’s closing price which does not consider price moves that may have occurred after hours or pre market open.
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