Build and Optimize Your Portfolio Using AI Forecasts and Watchlist
iFi AI’s forecasts can be useful to decide which stocks and ETFs to add, hold, or discard in your portfolio, taking into account a 30 day investment horizon (additional horizons coming soon!).
iFi AI allows you to create a watchlist, depending on the plan you choose. You can monitor your watchlist’s AI forecasts for any changes on your stocks and ETFs. Use the watchlist to optimize your portfolio and stay informed about your portfolio’s overall forecasts.
Know what to trade and when to trade it
Using the historical AI forecasts, you can easily see the evolution in time of a stock or ETF’s forecasts.
This is an important iFi AI feature that allows you to have a long-term view of how a specific stock or ETF has evolved, better equipping you to identify the most opportunistic moment to add to or discard your position. Opportunity, after all, is what all traders seek. With iFi AI, fewer opportunities remain hidden, and more portfolios stand to benefit from the power of our platform.
iFi AI Support
iFi AI Support is here to assist you with all your inquiries and provide expert guidance on our platform's features and functionalities. Our goal is to ensure you have a seamless experience while using iFi AI.